The so-called American Negroes have never had a Divine Messenger sent to them
before the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
Therefore, there will be much opposition to him from his people who want to lead and not be followers of others. Especially the middle class, the black Christian preachers, and the college and university
students who feel so proud of their worldly education and positions.
They think their worldly learning and high positions with the enemies of God will protect them against following the
Divine Messenger of God. Wait and See. (more)
As-Salaam-Alaikum. I am John Muhammad, one of the Ministers who came from
that class held by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. I was named by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, I was taught by the Honorable
Elijah Muhammad and I was sent by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. My brothers and sisters, I am eternally grateful to Allah
Who has blessed me once again to share with you some of the wisdom that I have learned from this great man of God, the Honorable
Elijah Muhammad. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us many things. he taught us about many signs that would come in the
future. He taught us many things of the past and of the present. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us and showed us of
things that would come in what we call modern Babylon. But the Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us that these things that
we are about to tell you are the acts of God. It is not just one day; these things come in years. What we must understand
is this; Jesus, two thousand years ago taught a man by the name of Nicodemus. He said to Nicodemus, "By no means can you see
Heaven or the kingdom of God unless you be born again." They thought this meant going back into their mothers womb. Their
mind was the mind of a child. Two thousand years ago their mind was the mind of a child in understanding the divine scriptures
of the righteous prophets of Almighty God Allah. What we are to understand, in order for us to understand, with all the trouble
in the world, is that you must go back and have hindsight of the history of years gone by. (more )

A hypocrite, regardless to where he appears
or regardless to what organization he may be a member of -- whether a governmental hypocrite, an industrial hypocrite, a business
hypocrite or a religious hypocrite -- is the most unwanted and hated of all the people concerned. They are also the most hated
by God. They are double-crossers; they come in claiming belief and then go out disbelieving. (more)
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad
As Taught By Messenger Elijah Muhammad
We are approaching the month
of December, in which we usually abstain from eating in the daylight hours, as the Orthodox Muslims do in the ninth (9th)
month of their calendar, the month of Ramadan.
We are not taking the month
of Ramadan as prescribed in the Holy Qur’an. We take the Christian’s
month (December, the twelfth month), instead of the ninth month.
This month I prescribe for
you to fast (the twelfth month of the Christian year) for the purpose of getting you away from false teaching of the Jesus
birth on the 25th of December. God has taught me that he was born
between the first and second week of September and not December. I have chosen
(for quite a few years) the month of December for my followers to fast as in the month of Ramadan. It serves as a sign that we the Lost-Found Nation) are the end of all signs pertaining to the pilgrimage
and fasting in the month of Ramadan. (more)