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As Taught by

Messenger Elijah Muhammad

We are approaching the month of December, in which we usually abstain from eating in the daylight hours, as the Orthodox Muslims do in the ninth (9th) month of their calendar, the month of Ramadan.


We are not taking the month of Ramadan as prescribed in the Holy Qur’an.  We take the Christian’s month (December, the twelfth month), instead of the ninth month.


This month I prescribe for you to fast (the twelfth month of the Christian year) for the purpose of getting you away from false teaching of the Jesus birth on the 25th of December.  God has taught me that he was born between the first and second week of September and not December.  I have chosen (for quite a few years) the month of December for my followers to fast as in the month of Ramadan.  It serves as a sign that we the Lost-Found Nation) are the end of all signs pertaining to the pilgrimage and fasting in the month of Ramadan.


Ramadan is the ninth month of the Arab year (which is also twelve months and not nine months).  The Holy Qur’an teaches that twelve months have always been a year with God.  We are not able to satisfy the astronomist if we do not have a twelve month year, for it takes the earth 12 months to make its complete circuit made by the earth at an average distance of 93 million miles).


In the case of the Orthodox Muslims worshipping Ramadan by not eating until after sunset, and darkness approaches (they can eat all night long if they want to until the next morning at dawn) they call this a fast!  They say that they do this in the month of Ramadan because Ramadan is the month in which the Holy Qur’an was revealed to Muhammad.  But, the way I understand scripture, it teaches us that Muhammad received the Holy Qur’an over a period of twenty-three (23) years.  Muhammad did not receive the Holy Qur’an in one night or in one day.  And, if he received the Holy Qur’an in the month of Ramadan, why fast in that month?


If we are given what we want (Holy Qur’an) in the month, without fasting, I cannot understand why we should fast in the month of Ramadan, for the first revelation of the Holy Qur’an was already given in that month, without fasting.  It would look more proper for us to be rejoicing over the great salvation (Holy Qur’an) that Allah (God) sent to us, in the month of Ramadan.


If you can, convince me that it is necessary for you to fast in the month of Ramadan because of Muhammad receiving the Holy Qur’an, or the first revelation of the Holy Qur’an (as he received the Holy Qur’an over a period of years) but I am very much baffled in trying to understand why we should fast, in Ramadan?  We should be rejoicing because of receiving the Holy Qur’an and we should teach others to rejoice throughout the month of Ramadan, if it is because the Holy Qur’an was revealed in that month.


Of course, this is the Arab way, in their religious belief, that they should fast.  But I do say that it is not necessary to fast to get something that you have already received.  We should all thank Allah and be grateful to Allah (God) for giving us the truth, of the Great Revelation (Holy Qur’an), that will guide us into a clearer truth than we have had in the past.


Ramadan, the Holy Qur’an teaches us, is the month that the Holy Qur’an was revealed to Muhammad.  And they worship the month by abstaining from eating and drinking during the daytime from sun up to sun down or before the sun rises until after she sets in the western skies.  Then, after dark, we can eat and drink until the sun rises again the next day.  The significance of this Arabic fasting in Ramadan is that the spiritual darkness of Yakub’s made man (the white race); eating and drinking, sport and play was the order of the white world, until the day break of the Truth coming in the first of the seven thousand years after the six thousand years of spiritual darkness and evil of the white man’s world.  We are living now in the bright spiritual world of Allah, the Great Mahdi in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, therefore we are not the children of darkness, but the children of light and truth.  Actually, Divinely, there is no fast set for the children of the light of God and their fasting ceases.  But, until we have accomplished our work of perfection of self and separation of us from the spiritual darkness of Yakub’s made man and teachings we fast to get out of it and take a month that we used to worship as being the month in which the birth of Jesus came about.


So, I am not asking my followers to fast in the month of December because of the birth of a prophet (Jesus) nor do we want to worship his birth of worship because some great revelation was sent down to another prophet.  No, it is just to keep my followers from worshipping falsehood, instead of truth, and to prevent them from spending their money in the falsehood of Santa Claus.


There are so many untruths that the people of untruth (white race) have mislead us in.  We must come out of untruth, we must come out of falsehood.


And, so I say to my followers, we are not fasting (in December) we are just abstaining from taking a part with false worship.  We here (Elijah Muhammad and his Followers)…I prescribe for you the month of December to fast in – if you are able to take the fast – instead of the regular month that travels through the year called Ramadan by the Muslims; the month in which they say Muhammad received the Holy Qur’an.  Why did I prescribe for you the month of December?  It is because it was in this month that you used to worship a dead prophet by the name Jesus.  And, it was the month that you wasted your money and wealth to worship the 25th day of this month, December, as the Christians do.  The Christians know that it is not the birthday of Jesus; for they do not know the birthday of Jesus.


No one knows it, because being persecuted by the Jews, Joseph and Mary feared the death of not only their own lives for committing the act out of wedlock, they feared Herod and his army and the religious sect of the Jews condemning them to be punished with death.  But they were not to be killed for they were for a sign of the Black man in America, according to the Holy Qur’an.  (See Holy Qur’an, Chapter 4:171).









While the Christians have deceived you in worshipping the birthday of Nimrod who was born the 25th day of the month, no man knows the day Jesus was born, but they (Joseph and Mary) themselves.  This is a sign right there; no man of the evil world was to know when the spiritual birth of Muhammad was to take place.  And, most surely they do not know.  So, do not fast as other religious people fast, for they have different objects and ways in which they fast, which are against the meaningful fasts that we take.  We fast the 12th month of the Christian year to relieve ourselves of having once worshipped that month as the month in which Jesus was born.  It is now known and agreed upon by the scholars and scientists of religion that nothing of the kind took place 2,000 years ago.  Jesus was born, not in the month of December, rather-as God has revealed it and according to the season that history claims existed in that time-the first or second week in September.  You cannot prove that the 25th day of December is the birthday of Jesus and you are preaching out of a Bible which does not carry any such history.  It gives you an idea that he could not have been born on December 25th by these words, “While the shepherds watched their flocks by night.”  If it had been in December, could they have been sitting out at night watching the flock eat good green grass?  December is wintertime!  Winter starts on the 21st day of December-you are four days into winter there.  Of course, there are some parts of the earth where winter does not come and there is pasture for the sheep all year around.  But, it is not like that in Palestine-in the winter, especially at night.  Now comes the Christians’ big holiday which they call Christmas.  With all the fantastic foolishness of jungle savages, they pretend to love worshipping the prophet on the 25th day of December.  They stagger drunkenly all over the streets, campuses, and most of the homes and churches, with card games, dice and other games of chance and all kinds of whiskey and beer-to celebrate that great prophet; with fighting and killing and eating swine flesh.  Such is the day which they call the birthday of Jesus.  They have nothing good in their behavior.  It is like Isaiah said, “This people worship me with their mouth but their hearts are far from me.”  This is true.  The Christians have made holidays which are used mostly for commercialization.  They buy wine, whiskey and beer and fatten up pigs and hogs for the kill and roast the divinely-prohibited flesh to celebrate what the Christians call the birthday of the Son of Man.  Jesus condemned such things as drunkenness and the eating of swine flesh. 


They sell much merchandise of various kinds, even now to automobiles, maybe airplanes, and boats.  The merchants’ pockets are made fat for Christmas-the tobacco factories, the beer and whiskey traffic, and wine.  Jesus is garbed up and commercialized on by a world of evil and sin and you like this, my people-you love this now.  You defy anyone, even God Himself, to try and remove your love of what is false.  So you go out and spend your hard-earned money to worship with white people.  They force you under disguise and defraud you into worshipping the birthday of that wicked old Nimrod on December and if you know the truth of him, you would not dare to worship it.











The act that they carry on the celebration of Jesus’ birth is perfect for Nimrod, who actually was born on the 25th of December, according to the scientists and historians, as well as the words of God, Himself, spoken to me.  The 25th of December is the birthday of Nimrod, the evil demon of the white race, who was born in the last 300 years of civilization of Moses (17 Century B.C.).  The deceitful theologians and writers of Christianity along with their chief, the Pope of Rome, know the truth; but yet have deceived the people as to the knowledge of the truth by deceiving them to worship an evil demon like Nimrod.  They have the history of Nimrod with them and they use him under the name of Jesus to deceive the people to make them believe that the 25th of December was Jesus’ birthday.  And this way, they would have the world worshipping this wicked evil demon, Nimrod, for the all but perfect prophet, Jesus.  Nimrod gets a great ovation on the 25th day of December; one of the most wicked leaders that ever lived.  He was capable of leading the white race in the last 300 years before the birth of Jesus, their last prophet, Nimrod was a leader, born as an opponent of Moses teachings.  Allah taught me in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to whom praises are due forever, that this man was born in the last 300 years of Moses, 2,000 years.  Nimrod was an evil, devil man, and according to sketches of his history, here and there that you may run across as I did, nothing good is said about him from Allah (God) to guide Israel independency of the Original Nation of the earth.  Nimrod was an enemy of God and one who came in the last 300 years of the 2,000 years of Moses,  He led the white man against the laws of Moses and the worship of Allah.  He (Nimrod) wanted them to worship idols and that which was other than God (as they did in ancient Rome).  He was so wicked that the Scholars and Scientist of Scripture of prophets do not like to teach you of this history of Nimrod.  Who was born in the seventeenth century of Moses’ era before the birth Jesus.


Another false practice on the 25th day of December:  the children between the ages of

3 and 12 think a Santa Claus is visiting them, making them believe they are getting presents from some foreign or strange person other than themselves (the parents).  Some of the parents go so far as to scratch the chimney and telling other than the truth.  They even have pictures made and commercialize on it.


How could one come from way around the North Pole driving a small sled-like cart?  And where did he buy all those toys?  How does Santa drive his sled in the south where there is no snow or ice for him to drive on?  They rob themselves of the honor of the child at his receiving their gifts.  But everyone of you should take those bells off your door.  It is a foolish thing to worship a God with a bell, while the Bible tells you that God will use a trumpet and not a bell to announce the Resurrection and Judgement.


Let us, my followers, remember the right way.  Waste not your earnings in such ways as worshipping and feasting as the Christians do.  They only say and do not.  They have taken for themselves the prophet of God and the place of God.


I set up this for you and me, to try to drive out of us the old white slavemaster’s worship of a false birthday (December 25th) of Jesus.  Because of the Jew’s hot persecution against the birth of Jesus, the exact day of his birth was kept a secret, from the public.  So, to break my people up from the worship of a false birthday of Jesus, we turned to abstaining from eating in the day-light hours during the month of December.  This is, in no way, a fast!


During this month, eat before day and after the sun goes down (if you wish) but not during the day-light hours.  This also goes for drinking; drink whatever you are going to drink either before dawn or after dark.  The eating before dawn or after dark.  Keep up prayer, and let us all be grateful to Allah for His coming in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad throughout the month of December and every month.  And during this month, let there be no quarreling or distrust in our home or abroad.  In this month of fasting we shall keep our minds and hearts clean, and we shall not indulge in the eating of meats (land meats).  We abstain from eating meat throughout the month of Ramadan-the month of December.  You may eat fish and such fat products which comes from land animals such as butter and cheese.


When we abstain from food for so short a time as for early morning until after sundown and darkness begins to appear, we cannot call this a fast, for we are eating the same way that we have always been eating (one meal in that day).  It is no fast to me and to my followers to eat a meal after sundown.  We cannot call it a fast!


We are taught…and all religions teach fasting…So that includes us too.  Of coarse, as long as we are in the presence of God, we do not have to fast.  But, we are not always in His presence.  In the hereafter when all people will receive rewards of goodness who see the hereafter, there will be no fasting. We the righteous, must fast as long as we are present and among the unrighteous.


I do know that Fasting is good for our health and Fasting is good for our spiritual advancement.  Fasting is one of the greatest “doctors” we have.  Fasting is prescribed for us in the Holy Qur’an and in the Bible.  The Bible does not teach us as much of how good fasting is health-wise, as the Holy Qur’an does.  Fast!  It cleans the impurities out of the blood and causes the body to eliminate the poison stored in it from previous meals-sometimes from previous meals of many years, as the folds in our intestines can carry particles of food for a long time, and holds strength enough in them to keep us alive for two months.  Out bodies store food in the folds of the intestines and in the blood stream.  After a fast of the three days and from that to nine days these particles of food and poison that have accumulated will be eliminated.  The blood is being cleaned of its impurities because the impurities have nothing to keep them in power to live; therefore, they die and leave the person happy and enjoying the results of a healthy body-which is the greatest enjoyment we can have.  If you make a habit of fasting you are not going to get sick.  Abstain from eating, if you are eating the right kind of food, you can fast but when you eat again, you poison your body.


It is actually good for us to take a fast and abstain from eating food for a period of days.  Let us fast as often as we feel that we have not a desire for food, do not eat it.  Eat when you are very hungry (of course, this does not apply to the sick, because the sick are exempt from fasting).  A fast should be from two (2) to three (3) days without eating food.  If we are seeking spiritual advancement, we should fast for three days.  Fast for

3 day-Fast for 3x3 days-Fast for 9 days or fast for 27 days.  Fasting is good for us.  It gives our blood time to cleanse itself, and in so doing it makes us think clearer.  Fasting take away evil desires.  Fasting takes from us filthy desires.  Fasting takes from us the desire to do evil against self and our brothers and sisters.  We are created of the material of goodness.  Therefore, good belongs to us…and it should not be hard for us to turn to our own selves in which we were created…good.


When you fast, it will advance you spiritually.  The Holy Qur’an teaches us that Allah has a mighty reward for the fasting man and the fasting woman.  This does not mean that we can do nothing but fast and still do many other evil things and be rewarded with good rewards.  When fasting is practiced for good, good results will follow.  But, if we fast as the Bible mentions in Isaiah, just for debate, our fast is no good.  We must remember that we cannot be holier than thou, “unless we are really holy.”  So, let us say of ourselves what we really are, not what we are not because it is good in the eye sight of God for us to speak the truth.


But I do say that it is not necessary to fast to get something that you have already received.  In this month, we should keep our minds on Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad; my God and Your God and my Saviour and Deliverer and your Saviour and Deliverer to Whom be praises forever for giving us life after our mental death for the past 400 years.  Keep the body and the mind clean.


Do good to self and others.  Keep away from evil and remember Allah always, and He who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, will remember you, but you must eat pure food (the food that Allah has pointed out to us to eat) and stay away from that which He (Allah) forbids us to eat, such as swine flesh (the hog).


There is no such thing that we should worship any white people’s holidays.  All that they worship are their days and not the slaves’ (the Black peoples) days.  There is not one that we should worship.  The past Thanksgiving Day that you are celebrating-what you have to thank God and man for that last Thursday in November?  Surely you should thank God for allowing you to live to see that day, but this was the man’s day (Yakub’s made man).  The Black Man should not take any part in any white people’s holidays not even to Sunday.  These are not our days.  Please remember this.

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